[i know that the title is the same as infinite other titles in the blogger circle,but still.....may be this shows the lack of creativity and innovation...well then see the last two words of the title :P]
Mind bustles and hustles....just for the one day...
We will wait for the day....that one day...
One day when n people will get n answers to their n questions...
One day when somebody will stop questioning......
One day when we will laugh the whole day.....
One day when somebody will clear all my doubts...about myself, about my friends, about my college,about SOLAAR energy...
One day when all of us will mock each other......
One day when somebody among us will write THE BOURNE LEGACY ( the sequel to the trio)...
One day when we will start listening to our own alarm clocks....
One day when we all will be knowing all languages......and will stop saying Tamil Teriyade....
One day when the Auto walas will stop paining.....
One day when the Prof will stop stammering.....
One day when there will be no Pseud putter...
One day when we all will fight to sit at the front bench.....
One day when the paperboy will drop the right paper.....
One day when the monkeys will show at least slightest amount of respect to a man...
One day the electric powered bus will run at higher speed......
One day we all will become Professionally Ethical ...hmm.. Engineers (if you want to add).....
One day when we all will see the sun rising at the sea coast......
One day when somebody will tell us why Quizzes are named so.....
One day when we all will sweep our rooms......
One day when we will stop counting days....
One day when we will think beyond us, beyond friends, beyond family,beyond life.......
And One day when we all will shout in Unison..........Thu *#amma
Good Thought...
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